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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 26/07/2021

This is an update from the Low Traffic Neighbourhood team at Lambeth Council.

Q&A sessions

Streatham – the last session took place on 19th July. We will be taking a break for now but will be back to communicate upcoming sessions on commonplace and via project updates.

Oval – Monday 26th July ‘21’, 6pm.  Click here to watch the session.

Tulse Hill - Tuesday 27th July ‘21’, 6pm.  Click here to watch the session.

Ferndale - Wednesday 28th July ’21’, 6pm.  Click here to watch the session .

Railton - Thursday 29th July ‘21’, 6pm.  Click here to watch the session.

The sessions will be recorded and made available online following the event using the session link provided. Screen names will be publicly visible in the recordings, but there is a facility to post as anonymous in Microsoft Teams if you wish to do so.

Vining Street Parklet

The High Streets team and the Brixton BID are working collaboratively on improvements to the public realm on Atlantic Road. A parklet including tables, seating and cycle parking is currently under construction on Vining Street.

We are working with local businesses to understand their priorities for how streets could be used in the future.


Unfortunately, there has been repeated criminal damage to the signage, cameras and other equipment used across all LTNS. We want to thank everyone who has reported the issues to the council and patience as we work to resolve the vandalism.

It is costing the Council money to replace and repair equipment. Additionally, residents who have sowed plants and flowers at their own expense have in some cases seen them cut down or torn up.

Cllr Danny Adilypour, joint Cabinet Member for Sustainable Transport, Environment & Clean Air, has said:

“People are entitled to express their views over our Low Traffic Neighbourhood trials, but there is no excuse for acts of criminal vandalism which put our residents at risk and this is not an effective way to engage with the council or fellow residents.“Residents who oppose the schemes or would like to see improvements have many ways to constructively engage with the council, and we’re actively seeking their feedback. Vandalism poses a danger to the public, is criminal and will be treated as such.”

You can read more here .

Grow Back Greener Fund

The Mayor of London and Thames Water are looking for community projects that will improve access to greenspace. Funding of up to £75,000 is available to community projects that will make our city greener and help us adapt to climate change.

The deadline for application is the 13th September.

REMINDER! Final applicant information webinar on the following date:

Thursday 2 Sept 2021, 11:00am – 12:30pm. Register here .

Citizen’s Assembly

Lambeth held an independent citizens’ assembly on the climate crisis, to come together and work towards a consensus on how we reduce the borough’s carbon emissions.

The assembly was made up of 50 randomly selected Lambeth citizens, who reflect the population of Lambeth. Participants heard evidence from different groups, including climate experts and local campaigns.

The recommendations from the Citizen’s Assembly have now been published and can be viewed online. Click here to find out more.

The recommendations for transport were:

  • To reduce the number of journeys made using private vehicles, Lambeth Council together with Transport for London should review existing public transport routes in the borough to ensure greener transport options are introduced effectively and quickly based on user need.
  • Organisations across the borough should encourage and enable cycling through development of better cycle routes and cycle storage. Lambeth Council should play a coordinating role, working with: neighbouring local authorities (to ensure continuity at boundaries); local and national cycling organisations (for advice);TfL (to support integration with the wider transport network); housing providers and developers (to provide more convenient cycle storage) and businesses, who should make it as easy as possible for their staff and customers to cycle.
  • Businesses and other organisations in the borough need to take full responsibility to immediately start operating with green transport methods when delivering their goods and services (including those who are sub-contracted by, for example, the council and other public sector bodies).
  • Lambeth Council should work together with all other key transport actors, and representatives of vulnerable groups, to ensure more vulnerable groups can be supported when any changes to transport in the borough are introduced.
  • Brockwell Park Summer Series events

    Events are taking place in Brockwell Park between 3rd and 5th September, and as part of temporary traffic management the modal filter on Shakespeare Rd will be suspended between 20:30 - 00:00 on each of the days to help with resident access when people are leaving the event.

    Posted on 26th July 2021

    by JM