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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 24/05/2021

This is an update from the Low Traffic Neighbourhood team at Lambeth Council.

Q&A Sessions:

The last Railton LTN Q&A session was held Tuesday 27th April 2021, 18.00- 19.00.

The recording from the April Q&A session is available to view on the Commonplace- Community Meetings Page


The next Railton LTN Q&A session will be held tomorrow, Tuesday 25th May 18.00- 19.00

This event can be accessed and watched back via the following link: Question and Answer Session - Railton Live Session 2

The session will be recorded and made available online following the event using the session link provided. Screen names will be publicly visible in the recordings, but there is a facility to post as anonymous in Microsoft Teams if you wish to do so.

Posted on 24th May 2021

by JM