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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 08/03/2021

Hi residents,

This is our first in what will be a bi-weekly update on Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN)s. We will use this newsletter to ensure everyone feels informed going forwards. We want to let you know what we've been doing and anything you should look out for/ sign-up to in the coming weeks regarding the respective LTNs.

Railton LTN

Enforcement began in the Railton LTN on 18/01/2021, this included the introduction of a filters on Trelawn, Dalberg and Rattray Road.

Last week we published the Stage 1 Monitoring Report which included the following findings:

  • Car traffic down by 31% across the area
  • HGVs down 23% across the area
  • Cycling up 32% across the area
  • Cycling up 51% within LTN
  • Planters:

    Father Nature have been busy transforming the space outside of Hamilton’s Supermarket.

    The parklet is a public space with the potential to serve a variety of functions including ;

  • a resting space for people walking, running or cycling
  • an area for information on community activities
  • a place for kids to play
  • a convenient waiting area for shoppers
  • A place for locking bicycles while shopping
  • The design of the parklet has been reviewed to ensure it complies with highway requirements, including the implementation of traffic islands and markings.

    In collaboration with architects DSDHA , Brixton Pound and HeadstartED . We are inviting younger residents (aged 13-18) to design an improvement to the public space on Shakespeare Road as part of the Many Different Voices Competition .

    Architects DSDHA will be running digital workshops throughout March/ April to help young people with their designs, you can sign-up via the competition webpage.

    Online Q&A:

    We are going to begin holding a series of digital questions and answer sessions with residents to give you an opportunity to speak to officers about the changes happening in the area.

    To find out more please visit:

    Ferndale LTN:

    Based on community feedback and traffic data gathered during autumn 2020, we are working on alterations to the Ferndale LTN. This should address existing issues and lead to a truly Low Traffic Neighbourhood. We hope to share validated traffic data in a monitoring report in the coming weeks and the consequential changes to the scheme. We will be sending letters to all residents to notify them of the changes.

    In collaboration with architects DSDHA , Brixton Pound and HeadstartED . We are inviting younger residents (aged 13-18) to design an improvement to the public space on Pulross Road as part of the Many Different Voices Competition .

    Architects DSDHA will be running digital workshops throughout March/ April to help young people with their designs, you can sign-up via the competition webpage.


    We have an ongoing issue with signs being removed or damaged throughout the Ferndale LTN. We are working closely with our Safer Neighbourhood Team and residents to resolve this. It is really important signs remain-up to ensure drivers understand the road layout and ensure the safety of all road users including pedestrians and cyclists.

    Please report information about signs being removed or damaged with date and details to:

    Your Safer Neighbourhood Team Officers are:

  • Sam Honeyball
  • Emma Paterson
  • James Russell
  • Online questions and answers session (Q&A):

    We are going to begin holding a series of digital questions and answer sessions with residents to give you an opportunity to speak to officers about the changes happening in the area.

    To find out more please visit:

    Oval to Stockwell Triangle LTN

    Father Nature has been busy! A planter and notice board was installed in Dorset Road outside the shopping parade and Broadstone House. The notice board will provide an information point for members of the community to be informed about what is going on within the LTN and provide updates on the upcoming reviews, Q&A sessions and local projects.

    Supporting you to walk and cycle:

    The next mini ‘Dr Bike’ event in Oval to Stockwell LTN will take place at the corner of Cobbett Street and Dorset Road on 13 March 10:00 – 11:30.

    Great News!! The “Bike it You Can too” Project run by Sustrans is coming this Spring. To find out more register your interest and fill out a short survey. Scan the QR code or visit:

    Online Q&A:

    We are going to begin holding a series of digital questions and answer sessions with residents to give you an opportunity to speak to officers about the changes happening in the area.

    To find out more please visit:

    Clapham Road x Stockwell Terrace:

    Following the investigation of collisions at the junction of Stockwell terrace and Clapham road, and in response to customer concerns we have liaised with TfL regarding the safety of the junction.

    TfL have started exploring installing wands to prevent right turning traffic from Clapham road onto Stockwell terrace. Whilst a timeline for installation is being confirmed we will be conducting traffic counts to assess what the left and right turn split is and monitor whether further interventions would be needed.

    Tulse Hill LTN:

    Enforcement began in the Tulse Hill LTN on 18/01/2021, this included the introduction of a modal filter on Arodene Road. We hope to publish the traffic data and community feedback in a Stage 1 Monitoring report by the end of March.

    TRA Updates:

    We held a Q&A Session with residents of St Martins Estate 10/02/2021. We are happy to meet with Tenants and Residents Associations to update on the progress of the LTN schemes and answer any questions you may have.


    We have an ongoing issue with cameras being moved in the Tulse Hill LTN and we are working closely with our Safer Neighbourhood Team and residents to resolve this. It is important the LTN is enforced so we can gain a clear understanding of how the LTN is impacting traffic flow. With delays to enforcement, we may have to extend the Experimental Traffic Order to gather sufficient data for monitoring.

    Please report information about signs being removed or damaged with date and details to:

    Your Safer Neighbourhood Team Officers are:

    • Lucy Burrows

    • Andrew Harland

    • Kunle Kolawole

    Online Q&A:

    We are going to begin holding a series of digital questions and answer sessions with residents to give you an opportunity to speak to officers about the changes happening in the area.

    To find out more please visit:

    Streatham Hill LTN

    Following feedback from residents regarding parking issues that were caused by the interaction of Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) M with the LTN a recommendation for the 152 affected households outside the CPZ to have the ability to purchase permits for zone M was made on the 27/01/2021.

    A decision to allow Hillside residents south of the modal filter and Palace Road residents west of the filter (highlighted in the above image) to purchase a zone M permit, for as long as the trial Streatham Hill LTN remains in operation was made on the 04/02/2021. Details of the full decision and associated equalities impact assessment can be found at:

    Leigham Vale X Leigham Court Road

    As a result of feedback received regarding traffic in the southern part of the LTN, we will be investigating possible interventions that can be used to address this. Progress made on this will be communicated in future updates.

    Online Q&A:

    We are going to begin holding a series of digital questions and answer sessions with residents to give you an opportunity to speak to officers about the changes happening in the area.

    To find out more please visit:

    Posted on 8th March 2021

    by JM