This phase of engagement has ended.


Wider Street Improvements


Wider street improvements

Healthy Street/ Bus Priority corridors

We are currently working on proposals to improve conditions for walking, cycling and bus users for Coldharbour Lane, Tulse Hill and Dulwich road, some of our key objectives are to:

  1. Improve bus speeds along the route by simplifying junctions, ensuring bus lanes are free from parked cars and making sure bus stops are compliant with the latest standards.
  2. Improve pedestrian experience by enhancing crossings on desire lines and making improvements to the public realm including planting and improved biodiversity, with the aim of connecting more communities through safe links for people to use.
  3. Improve road safety by reducing traffic speeds, separating cyclists from motor vehicles where possible , and looking at how junctions can operate more efficiently to help the street feel safer for people who travel by sustainable methods.

We will be sharing these designs with you later this year once we have carried outinitial development work.

Street Audits:

We know that traffic filters are not the only infrastructure needed to make our streets better for walking and cycling. We are running targeted sessions with specific user groups to understand what other measures are needed to improve the walking and cycling experience.

The final list of measures is still being developed but could include:

  • More accessible crossing points
  • Removal of street clutter (e.g. posts, railings and other obstructions)
  • Signage to help visitors get around
  • Re-surfacing
  • Seating and places to rest
  • Play features
  • Street art
  • Improved lighting
  • Extend CCTV coverage
  • Trees and planting

In Railton, students from local primary schools St Judes and St Saviour's have helped contribute their ideas and hopes for the area. We have also been in contact with all other local schools and are hoping to engage with more students in the near future!

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
