This phase of engagement has ended.


What's happening now?


What is happening now?

The Railton LTN is going to become a permanent scheme within the area. The current planters and signage are temporary and will be replaced with a series of different permanent features. These features will be built in phases, across the area. 

Filter Upgrades:

Construction on the first phase of filter upgrades will begin in spring 2022. Phase 1 locations are Atlantic Road, Rattray Road and Jelf/ Dalberg Road.

The details of the changes are:

Atlantic Road: 

  • Carriage narrowing 
  • De-paving and possible SUD area 
  • New seating and cycle parking introduced 
  • Raised table crossing with new surface 
  • Tactile paving introduced at crossing points
  • Bespoke Street Furniture outlined below


Rattray Road: 

  • New paved buildout, narrowing carriageways 
  • De-paving and possible SUD area 
  • Crossing with concrete imprint 
  • Tactile paving introduced at crossing points


Jelf/ Dalberg Road: 

  • New paved buildout, narrowing carriageways 
  • De-paving and possible SUD area 
  • Crossing with concrete imprint 
  • Tactile paving introduced at crossing points

The second phase of works in other locations is subject to further engagement and co-design in the summer of 2022.

Street Audits:

We know that traffic filters are not the only infrastructure needed to make our streets better for walking and cycling. We are running targeted sessions with specific user groups to understand what other measures are needed to improve the walking and cycling experience.

The final list of measures is still being developed but could include:

  • More accessible crossing points
  • Removal of street clutter (e.g. posts, railings and other obstructions)
  • Signage to help visitors get around
  • Re-surfacing
  • Seating and places to rest
  • Play features
  • Street art
  • Improved lighting
  • Extend CCTV coverage
  • Trees and planting

This engagement phase has finished

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