This phase of engagement has ended.


Street Improvements


Street Improvements

What are we doing? What can we do down the line?

We are consulting on whether to make the Railton LTN permanent. If we do decide to make the scheme permanent, we will need to upgrade the current closure locations from the temporary planters to more long-term infrastructure that is both durable and sustainable so that they contribute to Lambeth’s climate resilience.

Permanent Visualisation:

We have created a visualisation of what permanent changes could look like. It is important to note these are only visualisations and are subject to change and further refinement. This could be an opportunity to introduce more greenery, seating and public art into the space. We are open to ideas and will need the community to share their feedback and ideas to help design these spaces with us.

Phase 1 Concept Designs:

We have draft concept designs for Railton Road (north), Rattray Road and Dalberg Road within the LTN. We would develop and implement these, along with other locations, in phases depending on the outcome of the consultation. There will be further engagement for the LTN filter locations in the coming months.

View High-Res Designs.

Your Streets, Your Way:

The Your Streets, Your Way competition looked to harness the creativity of residents by asking them to transform their local environment. The competition sought a community-led vision to improve the borough for both people and the planet. In Railton, three locations were selected that community members were asked to submit design proposals for:

  • Somerleyton Passage
  • Roupell Park
  • St Matthew’s Road (withdrawn due to low submissions)

The winning designs are now being developed, with construction intended to commence from winter this year.

Street Audits:

We’re working to reduce traffic on our streets and also improve the experience of travelling around neighbourhoods for people from every walk of life. To help us get started we are reviewing all the streets within our Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ (LTNs) against a set of key indicators such as accessibility, lighting, cycle parking and seating. We have also run three digital consultations to help us shape proposals, these are:

1) Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood 

2) LB Lambeth Covid-19 response

3) Railton LTN

We have provided a snapshot in the report below of some of the main issues and ideas you have identified to help us improve our streets from the commonplace consultations. We will be using this data, along with conversations and correspondence carried out as part of community engagement work during and before this consultation, to bring together a list of improvements for all our LTN areas, regardless of traffic filters, which will be built in 2022.

This engagement phase has finished

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