This phase of engagement has ended.





The Railton low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) was introduced to reduce traffic volumes. By reducing traffic in Railton it is hoped we can achieve priorities of our Transport Strategy including to:

  • Improve road safety for all users
  • Encourage travel in healthier, more active ways
  • Improve air quality
  • Support the local economy and placemaking

We all need to take bold action to reduce car journeys to clean up the air in Lambeth and to cut carbon emissions in response to the climate crisis that we are facing.

Traffic filters stop motor vehicles cutting through an area. However individuals walking, cycling and wheeling can still pass through, as can the emergency services and refuse vehicles. All destinations within an LTN remain accessible by motor vehicle however the route to each destination may change.

Traffic Filters

Following the decision to make the LTN permanent, we have begun upgrading the traffic filters in two phases: 

Phase 1 Traffic filters:

  • Atlantic Road
  • Dalberg Road
  • Rattray Road

The works on Atlantic Road have begun and will continue in stages, whilst the works on Dalberg Road and Rattray have been completed.

Phase 2 Traffic filters:

  • Shakespeare Road
  • Railton Road South
  • St Matthews Road

Engagement on the design of the phase 2 filter locations has now been completed. See ‘designing a permanent scheme’ for more information. 


Download a PDF of this map.

This engagement phase has finished

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